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Shooting Star

What can I expect during a session?

Each session is different as each individual case. We go through a thorough scan and balancing corrections at the start of the session so we can accurately test and gauge the needs of individuals.  Usually a session will last 2  hours - 2 hours 30 minutes depending on what issues you are looking to address that session. 

We  work on whichever conscious issue is providing you the most trouble or pain, but more importantly, we ask your inner self the root (or etiology underlying story/causes) of the issue that most needs to be addressed and let the infinite intelligence of the soul direct us in the session.

All that is required for in-person sessions is a well hydrated body.  We will be going through and cycling a lot of information and energy through the body. Some people may feel alive, and energized and some may feel calm/relaxed and want to sleep.

At the end of the session, we will scan your family/household for various issues that are associated with the ones you are in session for.  Sometimes there may be vectors of contamination or energetic vectors of contamination, allergies to people, animals, things or environments which play a role in sickness and disease.

If you aren't finding resolution from other approaches, Bioenergetics could be an option for you.  As an individual is also their household at large.  Eventually, emotions, sensations (experiences and the associations our brains form), or even pathogenic microorganisms that live in family members are usually a vector of contamination that other modalities do not take into account and thus no long-term resolution is acquired in those cases.

In short, you, your house and your family are an extension of your microbiome. 
You have always connected to your family in the form of energetic resonances, signatures and patterns. One more commonly known pattern of connection is in the form of a chord or antennae with an ex-lover, lover, family member, etc.

Daniel offers sessions in New Minas.  
Daniel's sessions specialize primarily on physical issues:


Testimonials from past clients: 

The complexities and intelligence of this healing art form is astounding. I truly feel like a new being in the world. Looking forward to my next session! 


Just wanted to touch base and thank you both again, I have been feeling so great since meeting with you and having my 1st session, 


You  were so very good to me in being so conscientious and focused solely on my health. I want to thank you both for all your dedication. I really appreciate it. 


I have reoccurring pain from an old injury. They addressed my knee I have not had any pain since. Also, I run a small farm, and having a hay allergy is certainly a burden. Since my biomag session this has been resolved completely. 


During and immediately following the session I felt that a massive weight was lifted from me and I could breathe and had more room for love and joy in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart - you both are doing remarkable work


                                  Everything is energy and all energy is connected.

                                                               (We also offer distance sessions)

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